Poemetry by T.A. Barnhart


are you one of those people
who gets an idea for something
and then goes and does that something?
do you realize how fucking lucky you are
to be one of those people?
i’m one of those people
who gets an idea for something
and then goes and does anything but
that something.
i’m not lazy.
i’m not stupid.
i wish i had such an easy excuse.
i was built wrong,
at least wrong for a person
who has ideas for things and wants to get them done.
however, i have been told,
by reliable experts in the field
that i can rebuilt my brain and become
one of those people
who gets an idea for something
and then goes and actually does that something.
apparently it’s a pretty easy fix, too;
it will only take the rest of my life.
that works for me.
it’s not like i am doing anything else.,
and i do want to do something.

©TA Barnhart October 24, 2020