Poemetry by T.A. Barnhart


a room full of kids
being kids
and a son
i haven’t seen for so long
that he now has
a new wife
i am discovering
is just as lovely
as the woman
a bunch of these kids
call mom.
life is complicated,
and people pay the price.
life is messy,
and people reap the benefits.
all these people,
little & large,
and so many thoughts
and so much emotion
and inside my body:
pression, tension,
all of this
pressing in on me, but:
i feel it.
i own it.
me, just me,
in a very human place
desperate to be happy,
knowing i don’t have to be afraid.
and my body tenses
to warn me,
so i say thank you
and turn away from my neediness
(it will keep just fine)
to soak in
the smiles
the voices
the happiness.
even my own.

©TA Barnhart March 29, 2021