Wise, for the cash

Anyone planning a trip to Japan quickly learns in their preparatory research that cash will be a necessity. Thankfully, it’s not necessary to load up on cash before leaving for Japan or to grab a huge stash from an exchange…

Day 1. May 8.

Three days spent packing, traveling, and getting to my hotel in Japan to begin this adventure. The time kind of crawled for the first two days, then suddenly - here I am. I’ve already ticked some must-do checkboxes, and I’ve got three more weeks to go. すごい


functional hysteria
is not really a thing.
a useless combination of words
if i tried. . . .


it is what it is
said the sage
(no doubt a Swiftie
or perhaps a Parrotthead)
and i rolled my eyes. . . .

Oregon GOP, waa waa waa

The Oregon Supreme Court said that what the voters demanded will be the law of this land. Oregon Republicans don’t like that because it’s not what they want. So they will continue to oppose the voters and democracy.

They are that childish.