Zipair has finally started selling tickets to Tokyo for April 2025. Huzzah!
The cost has gone up significantly, but that’s no surprise. Ok, it’s a surprise if you don’t think about the possibility, but when you do – duh. So my round-trip I bought this past January was $670; round-trip to Vancouver, the Zipair hub I used, was $180. Then there were various fees, of course. All told, around $1,000 for all airfare and fees.
Right now, the roundtrip – SFO-Narita – is $840. That’s before fees. Round-trip to SFO is $210. Fees are probably going to be another $150. So at this point, an additional $170 for this trip.
But for an additional $2, I can get a seat that goes full-flat; for less than that, I can get a window or front area seat. Of course, this means purchasing asap and then hoping Zipair’s mobile app works as is required for these options. I could dither on this for some weeks, but I know I want to go.
I just need to decide and then make it happen. For why this is an issue for me, please review the attached 1,000-page pdf on my lifetime of anxieties. (Editor: There is no pdf. And 1,000 pages would only skim the surface.)